
I followed Emma Watson’s journal routine for a week – here’s what happened

October 9, 2023

I'm Jess. This blog is a collection of everything I've learned as I rebuilt my self-image from a burned-out-extrovert-wannabe to an at-ease-introvert-bookworm.
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I made Emma Watson’s journal routine a part of my daily routine for an entire week, and it was (dare I say) magic. Here’s what I did and the results.

Vogue recently posted an episode of their In The Bag series starring the lovely Emma Watson. In it, she shows us everything that’s in her well-loved Prada Nylon Backpack.

When I heard the news, I “ran” to YouTube.

Not only do I love Emma’s original In The Bag video from three years ago, but I love “what’s in my bag” content in general. I don’t even want to know how many hours I’ve spent consuming WIMB content.

Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office - Find & Share on GIPHY

I’ve always been fascinated by what others carry in their purses, make-up bags, carry-on bags, etc. Call it being nosy, but I call it “wanting to be prepared.”

Also, I love Emma Watson. I appreciate her acting, style, and poise – but I especially love that she’s a proud introvert.

Now, I’m 99% sure the fiercely private Emma only agreed to this video because it was a great marketing opportunity for Renais Gin, the gin she recently launched with her brother Alex. It was clearly a smart move – the video has already racked up 2.5 million views.

But I’m sorry, Emma – the gin is not what I was most excited to try. What really caught my attention was Emma’s journaling routine.

Maybe it’s because her journal looks so… lived in. The doodles, creases, and smudges are all evidence that Emma LOVES this journal.

Emma Watson’s journal is a key part of her daily routine – and it shows! She says, “doing this has been really important.” (Source: Vogue YouTube)

Maybe it was her admission: that if she could only keep one thing from her bag, she’d choose her journal.

Or maybe it’s the fact that Emma Watson seems like a person genuinely at ease, and I want a piece of that.

Emma Watson GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

So I committed to following her journaling routine for a week. Here’s how and what happened.

Emma Watson’s Daily Journal Prompts

First, let’s talk about Emma’s daily prompts. On a daily basis, Emma answers three questions:

  • 3 things that were fun or joyful
  • 3 moments of kindness
  • 3 things she did well (or that she liked about herself)

If you’re thinking of taking up journaling, look to #EmmaWatson and the must-have item in her bag: her very own daily journal.

♬ original sound – Vogue

She also pulls a tarot card from a deck she keeps in her bag and reflects on the meaning of the card.

Using an additional tool like a tarot card deck or an affirmation deck, like Emma does in her journaling routine, creates an opportunity for reflection. (Source: Vogue YouTube)

Emma Watson’s Journaling Essentials

Emma uses a blank Smythson journal which comes in at a whopping $265 (I think this is the exact journal she uses). Despite being journal-crazed (I’m almost afraid to count how many I have), this is a bit out of my budget, so I settled on using the last few blank pages in my Lechturn Bullet Journal.

I personally don’t own tarot cards, but I do own a deck of Gabrielle Bernstein’s Super Attractor cards and felt that I could achieve the same effect using this deck.

My Experience Journaling Like Emma Watson

Day 1:

Without a doubt, day 1 was the hardest.

Despite these journal prompts being straightforward, they were difficult to answer. I realized I hadn’t been paying close attention to the things happening to me, because of me, and around me.

I was surprised because I have consistently journaled in the past, specifically using a Five Minute Journal. I realized I could answer the Five Minute Journal prompts while being slightly disengaged.

Today’s Affirmation Card: True manifestation is about recognizing what’s of the highest good for all – Gabrielle Bernstein

Day 2:

Day 2 was a bit easier because I was more observant during my day. I started keeping an eye out for potential journal entries, acknowledging my wins in the process.

Today’s Affirmation Card: My true safety lies in my capacity to align with the love of the universe – Gabrielle Bernstein

Day 3:

By day 3, I was in a groove and paying special attention to kindness. I was actively looking for opportunities to be kind to others, and I was appreciative of even the smallest things (for example, my husband surprised me with peanut M&M’s).

Today’s Affirmation Card: When I’m grateful for what I have, I can feel good along the way to what I desire – Gabrielle Bernstein

Day 4:

Day 4 was the first day I looked forward to journaling in the evening. On this day, I found myself going above and beyond to identify moments of joy, going as far as appreciating washing my hair. It felt a little like a snowball effect.

Today’s Affirmation Card: Spiritual alignment puts my manifestation into motion – Gabrielle Bernstein

Day 5:

On Friday, I considered skipping my journal entry (typical Friday night behavior for me) but I chose to forge ahead… not for the sake of this experiment, but because of how it made me feel.

Today’s Affirmation Card: I am kind and loving toward others while creating clear boundaries that protect my good-feeling emotions – Gabrielle Bernstein

Conclusion: Will I journal like Emma Watson in the future?

If it wasn’t obvious, my answer is a resounding YES! In fact, I purchased an expanded Moleskine specifically for this daily journal entry in 2024.

I found these journal prompts made me feel good (about myself, my circumstances, and my interactions with others) and brought up feelings of gratitude.

I looked forward to my daily entry, especially pulling a card from my Super Attractor deck.

The biggest shifts I observed in myself were:

  • How much more observant I was during the day
  • How much more aware of kindness I was, both of people being kind to me and opportunities for me be kind to others

Do you plan to try this journaling routine? Do you have a journaling routine you cherish? I’d love to hear from you!

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