Self Care

Tiny Habits for Introverts: Gain Inner Peace and Confidence

March 30, 2023

I'm Jess. This blog is a collection of everything I've learned as I rebuilt my self-image from a burned-out-extrovert-wannabe to an at-ease-introvert-bookworm.
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In this article, I’ll share how Tiny Habits can help introverted people gain inner peace and confidence with minimal effort and discomfort.

As introverts, we may feel like confidence is out of our reach because we’re not like our extroverted counterparts. After all, society has taught us that confidence and extroverted traits go hand-in-hand.

But it’s possible for introverts to be wildly confident without sacrificing their inner peace.

In fact, here are some famous (and confident) introverts who have been successful: Rosa Parks, Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, JK Rowling, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Meryl Streep, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Emma Watson.

It all comes down to the “how.”

The most sustainable way for introverts to be confident is by honoring their personality type. Simply put, the path forward is one that works with your introversion, not against it.

As an introvert, honoring your introversion will help you manage, protect, and recharge your energy.

With energy, you can show up for your passions, dreams, and goals, as well as for the important people in your life.

On the contrary, when you don’t manage your energy, you’re more likely to feel drained. If that happens too frequently, you can experience an introvert hangover or burnout, both of which impact your confidence and can have bigger health implications.

This is why honoring your introversion on a daily basis is critical to your confidence (and well-being), and Tiny Habits for introverts is perfect for accomplishing just that.

Woman standing at her kitchen sink, preparing a bouquet of fresh flowers.
As introverts, society teaches us that our innate traits and preferences are not ideal, leading to self-doubt, insecurity, and changes in behavior. But it’s entirely possible to honor your introversion, be confident, and be successful.

What are Tiny Habits for introverts?

Tiny Habits for introverts is an application of the Tiny Habits method.

At a high level, the Tiny Habits method is a proven way to create new habits that stick and change behavior for the long-term.

At a practical level, Tiny Habits are tiny actions that, with consistency and positive reinforcement, grow into major changes in behavior.

This method is backed by twenty years of research and has helped over 40,000 people. It was created by Dr. BJ Fogg, the founder of Stanford’s Behavior Design Lab.

This application of the Tiny Habits method is specifically designed to help introverts gain control over their energy which leads to more confidence and inner peace.

What are the components of Tiny Habits?

In order for a tiny action to be a Tiny Habit, it must contain three components and they must be performed in this specific order, like a recipe:

  • Anchor Moment: A solid, reliable behavior that’s already part of your routine. This will serve as a prompt (or reminder) for the habit you’re trying to build. Examples: brushing your teeth, flushing the toilet, or hitting “start” on the coffee machine.
  • Tiny Behavior: A tiny version of the behavior you’d like to get in the habit of doing. In this case, tiny means it should take less than 30 seconds (or be less than 5 repetitions). You do this tiny behavior immediately after the anchor moment.
  • Celebration: Something you think, say, or do to acknowledge completing the tiny behavior. It’s not a reward, but intrinsic positive reinforcement. It’s meant to conjure feelings of success, pride, and happiness.

Tiny Habits are written in the form of a recipe. The recipe format is: After I (prompt), I will (tiny behavior), and then I will (celebration).

How can introverts use Tiny Habits?

Tiny Habits can be used to create new behaviors and reduce or eliminate unwanted behaviors in every area of life. Yet there are 5 main factors that introverted people can manage with Tiny Habits.

These are the 5 main factors that contribute to introvert hangovers or burnout. When these factors are managed, introverts gain more energy, confidence, and inner peace.

  • Mindset and beliefs
  • Preventing overstimulation
  • Setting and enforcing boundaries
  • Implementing self-soothing tactics
  • Getting high-quality rest

Why Tiny Habits?

Tiny Habits can bypass overthinking

Because they are so small and require such little effort, you can put Tiny Habits into practice without triggering overthinking.

Tiny Habits don’t rely on motivation or willpower

Motivation increases and decreases which is why it’s not reliable. Tiny Habits focus on making behaviors so easy to do that you can succeed even on your hardest days.

Tiny Habits can grow big

These tiny behaviors allow you to gain the momentum (and confidence) needed to face bigger challenges and make faster progress.

Tiny Habits can be implemented today

You don’t need extensive training or any equipment to implement Tiny Habits.

Most importantly, Tiny Habits allow us to see ourselves differently

When we begin to find success with Tiny Habits, we begin to feel successful period and reinforce the vision we have of our future.

How can introverts can be successful with Tiny Habits

In order for introverts to be successful with Tiny Habits and build their confidence and inner peace, I recommend a three-step approach.

The three steps are:

  1. Expand your understanding of introversion
  2. Envision a life where your energy, confidence, and inner peace are the top priorities
  3. Practice Tiny Habits with a spirit of curiosity

1) Deepen your understanding of introversion

Deepening your understanding of introversion, especially as it relates to you, is the first step because, without it, you won’t be able to select the best Tiny Habits for your introversion.

Without this understanding, you’ll likely design habits based on who you think you should be.

To deepen your understanding of introversion, there are three main questions that you should dive into:

A) What’s an introvert?

There are many oversimplified or subjective definitions of introversion that don’t encompass the full introverted experience.

At the core, introversion is about energy. Introversion is a way of engaging with and processing external stimuli. Compared to extroverts, introverts are more inward-facing than outward.

Introversion is not necessarily about being shy, anti-people, or anti-social. What’s really happening is that introverts are drained by external stimuli and need time alone to recharge.

The core of the conversation should be about energy management, including rest and recharge.

B) Can an introvert change from introvert to extrovert?

While we can push ourselves to behave as extroverts for periods of time, we are introverts at our core.

There are noticeable differences between the brains of introverted and extroverted people.

Introversion, therefore, is a part of us. It’s not something that happened to us or something that needs to be fixed.

This knowledge allows you to shift your definition of introversion to an objective one instead of a personal one.

C) What’s my introversion like?

Once you understand and accept your introversion, you can comfortably ask, “What can I do or change to work with my introversion (not against it)?”

This allows you to take the next step which is to identify new habits you’d like to create and existing habits you’d like to reduce or stop.

2) Envision a life where your energy, confidence, and inner peace are the top priorities

Take some time to reflect on your current life.

Below are questions to help you examine every factor that can erode your confidence and inner peace as an introvert.

Once you have addressed these questions, review your answers and identify opportunities to stop or start behaviors. Then, practice creating Tiny Habits using the recipe template above.

Mindset and beliefs

  • What mindsets and beliefs hurt you?
  • What thoughts would you like to have instead?

Preventing overstimulation

  • What currently makes you feel the most drained? (Think of your environment, your interactions with people, and technology.)
  • What would you like to change or stop?

Setting and enforcing boundaries

  • What boundaries would you like to set?
  • What boundaries have you already set but need to enforce?

Implementing self-soothing tactics

  • How do you currently react to stressful or triggering situations?
  • How would you like to react instead?
  • What self-soothing tactics would you be open to trying?
    • Physical (like breathwork or stretching)
    • Cognitive (like positive self-talk or journaling)
    • Sensory (like listening to music or hugging a loved one or pet)

Getting high-quality rest

  • What are you currently doing to rest?
  • Do you feel recharged after you rest?
  • What else could you do that engages your mind, senses, and body?
Journal and pen on a bed.
To insure your habits for confidence are successful, start by reflecting on what behaviors you’d like to start and stop. That will insure your habits are right for you.

3) Practice Tiny Habits with a spirit of curiosity

The Tiny Habits method focuses on how we approach creating new behaviors or changing existing behaviors. Since it is an objective approach, there are proven ways to find success including:


Practice a Tiny Habit recipe 7-10x in a row to wire it in quickly. It may feel silly, but your brain won’t be able to tell the difference between rehearsal and the real deal.


Because the Tiny Habits method has been tried and tested, there is always a way to troubleshoot. Be open to making tweaks along the way. Habit formation should be painful – it should work for you!

What’s next?

You jump in! Try creating your own Tiny Habit recipes or – better yet – reach out to me for Tiny Habit recipes that are specific to introverts. Send me an email: and I’ll send you the list.

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