Self Care

Introvert Energy Management: Daily Planning for Stress-Free Days

March 31, 2023

I'm Jess. This blog is a collection of everything I've learned as I rebuilt my self-image from a burned-out-extrovert-wannabe to an at-ease-introvert-bookworm.
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Introvert Energy Management: Daily Planning for Stress-Free Days

One of the main things an introverted person can do to increase their energy, build their confidence, and regain their inner peace is learn how to plan their days for less stress. This practice is a form of introvert energy management AND it’s a form of introvert self care.

It won’t just impact your work – it will have a positive ripple effect in your life.

Now, you may think you need a specific tool or a long resource to do this.

But you really just need 30 seconds, a scrap sheet of paper*, and insight on how to build a new habit (which I’ve conveniently provided in this article).

*While it’s not necessary, I highly encourage you to use a journal, planner, or document so you can look back on your progress.

Woman holding a cup of coffee.
Daily energy management for introverts doesn’t have to be complicated. The most important component is checking in with yourself on a daily basis. Then, you can plan accordingly.

30 Second Tool for Daily Stress Management

The secret to planning stress-free days, free of overwhelm, is actually identifying your energy level at the start of each day. It’s that easy.

What’s the main benefit of measuring your energy level daily?

You’re able to match your effort to your energy level.

Energy management for introverts requires a different approach

As introverted people, our energy ebbs and flows based on many factors – and it’s not always predictable.

Yet most productivity methods teach us to plan our weeks ahead of time. We’re taught to make a long to-do list and maybe even time-block to make sure everything “fits.”

This conventional method assumes your energy level will be consistent every single day which we know is just not true for introverts.

Here are some of the potential consequences of following a conventional productivity method as an introverted person:

  • You face a long, unrealistic to-do list
  • You may feel the effects of stress, productivity anxiety, and overwhelm when you try to get everything done. This can be exhausting.
  • The long-term consequences of this might include introvert hangovers or even introvert burnout.

On the contrary, when you match your effort to your energy level on a daily basis, you’re able to within your limits. You work as much as your energy permits that day.

On some days, it might mean that you do less. But it also means reevaluating your plans for the day, adjusting your expectations, and being brutally honest about what’s actually needed.

Getting started: Building a habit that sticks

In order to make this habit stick, I recommend using the Tiny Habits method.

The Tiny Habits method is a proven way to create new habits and change behavior for the long-term. It’s been studied for over 20 years and has helped over 40,000 people worldwide (and counting).

While it’s an effective method for all people, it can be incredibly powerful for introverted people.

This is because it requires minimal energy and eliminates all the discomfort typically associated with habit formation. This is perfect for introverts who have limited energy or prefer to take it slow.

Tiny Habits can also be used to address the common factors of introvert hangovers and burnout, and using Tiny Habits can help introverts make positive changes in a sustainable way, increasing confidence and inner peace.

It’s a method I apply to my own life, and that I advocate constantly.

Tiny Habit for Introvert Energy Management

Tiny Habits follow a template, called a recipe. Here’s what the recipe for this particular energy management Tiny Habit looks like:

After I (sit down at my desk), I will write down my energy level (scale of 1-10). Then I will celebrate by (thinking, “Jess, you are great at taking care of yourself”).

You can adjust what comes “After I…” (the anchor moment) and the celebration (what comes after “Then I will celebrate by…”) however you’d like, but you need to follow these steps in order to find success.

If you’re curious to learn more about the components of a Tiny Habit recipe, here’s more information.

That’s it! To start, simply identifying your energy level daily is enough. This will help you tune into your body and strengthen the mind-body connection.

Woman writing in notebook.
Daily energy management as an introverted person can be as simple as checking in with yourself for 30 seconds before jumping into your day.

How to grow this Tiny Habit recipe

As this habit becomes automatic, you can start to evaluate your plan for the day based on your energy level.

This evaluation is a series of questions – again, no fancy planner is needed (though I do love a nice planner or journal).

After you’ve gauged your energy level, ask yourself:

  • What do I have to do?
  • What do I want to do?
  • What am I capable of doing?
  • Do I want to prioritize, scale down, or create more energy?
  • How can I revise my plan to serve me?

Then, check in with yourself at the end of each day. How did your energy fluctuate, and what could you do differently next time?

If you try this Tiny Habit recipe, I’d love to know how it worked out for you.
Have questions about this Tiny Habit or how to apply it to your life? Just shoot me an email:

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