Self Care

How to Recover from Introvert Burnout (Part 2 of 2)

March 8, 2023

I'm Jess. This blog is a collection of everything I've learned as I rebuilt my self-image from a burned-out-extrovert-wannabe to an at-ease-introvert-bookworm.
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The journey out of introvert burnout is not linear, nor is it the same for everyone. The “right tools” to recover from introvert burnout will vary by person.

It’s also not a short-term process. It’s a life-long journey that gets easier over time, as you build the muscles of self care, managing your mindset, and building a life that is aligned with your introversion (not against it).

In this article, I’ll share several strategies, tactics, and tools to help recover from introvert burnout.

I invite you to modify them so they work for you, but I also challenge you to experiment with a few things on this list.

When trying new things, even the tiniest action makes a huge difference. What’s important is that you try them.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at

Before we dive in, I want to emphasize that the following strategies, tactics, and tools are not meant to replace mental health services or support.

If you’re experiencing mental health problems, it’s important to speak with a licensed counselor, therapist, or doctor.

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness is a wonderful resource. Visit their site to find your local NAMI.

Understand to accept

Introversion is not something to “fix”

Understanding the science of introversion is interesting AND it will give you an objective perspective of introversion. It can also help you release any self-judgment.

Research shows that there are significant differences between introverted brains and extroverted ones.

This means that introversion has always been a part of you. It’s neither good nor bad… it just is!

When you remove the negativity, introversion becomes a part of us that we can adapt to.

However, you can make changes to your daily experience to recover from introvert burnout and prevent it in the future.

Learning about introversion will also help you become more aware of your thresholds, needs, and wants as an introverted person to recharge in the future.

How extrovert bias has impacted your life

Extrovert bias is our society’s preference for extroverted traits. Extrovert bias is present in our communities, schools, and workplaces.

It’s entirely subjective – and it’s likely shaped your life in more than one way. Here’s how it works:

Society rewards extroverted behaviors and traits. Extroverted behaviors and traits are linked to recognition, status, and financial security.

This leads introverted people to act like extroverted people in order to succeed. Introverts may find success, but this has a massive impact on an introvert’s energy levels and it’s not sustainable.

Understanding how extrovert bias has shaped your behaviors is key. It will help you identify the behaviors you’d like to stop and the new behaviors that you’d like to create.

If you’d like to learn more about extrovert bias, this is an insightful article.

Two women working at an outdoor cafe.
Introvert Burnout Insight: Because our society favors extroverted traits and behaviors – and because they are associated with success – introverts often find themselves pretending to be extroverted, even when it drains them of energy.

Take inventory of your current daily experience

Question beliefs about work ethic (hard work), productivity, and success

The thoughts, beliefs, and narratives you’ve accepted as true also have a major impact on your energy levels as an introvert.

Not only do they dredge up feelings, but they also lead to actions which are not always aligned with your introversion.

Some of the most harmful concepts are work ethic (hard work), productivity, and success.

An extreme definition of work ethic (hard work), productivity, or what it takes to be successful can lead to constant overwork. This can get in the way of resting and recharging.

In order to recover from introvert burnout, it’s important to take the time to:

  • Understand what these concepts mean to you
  • Identify how the current definitions are pushing you toward introvert burnout
  • Redefine these concepts (what would you like them to mean?)
  • Envision a new reality based on these updated definitions
Woman journals in plush chair.
Introvert Burnout Insight: Questioning what you believe about concepts like work ethic, productivity, accomplishment, etc. can help you identify beliefs that are leading to overwork.

Identify stressors or triggers

Stressors or triggers can cause us to act out of alignment with our introversion, contributing to introvert burnout.

Identifying and having a plan to manage these stressors is an important part of recovering from introvert burnout because it will help reduce or avoid feeling drained.

Stressors or triggers generate thoughts that convert to feelings that prompt actions. This process happens very quickly at first. Over time, this process will slow down and you’ll be able to catch thoughts or feelings before they turn into action.

To identify stressors or triggers, look for moments where you acted out of alignment and work backward:

  • How did you feel before taking action
  • What thought led to that feeling
  • What happened to trigger that thought

Then, ask yourself how you can remove or reduce the trigger moving forward.

Identify behaviors and habits that do not serve you

We are taught to behave like extroverts but they have different needs. They are less affected by external stimuli, more comfortable in fast-paced settings, and need less time alone.

By acting like extroverts, we set ourselves up for energy drains, introvert hangovers, and introvert burnout.

Identifying behaviors and habits that do not serve you – that lead to energy drains – is important for two reasons:

  1. You can now work on stopping or redirecting these habits
  2. You have a clear list of habits to watch out for*

*Many of these habits are deeply ingrained in our lives. Our brains might default to them in times of stress because they are familiar. Our brains are designed to keep us safe and the familiar is safe. When you realize you’re going back to habits that don’t serve you, you can use it as a cue to examine what’s happening around you.

Reconnect with your body

Reconnecting with your body is like tuning back into the frequency of your body. It’s about receiving signals from your body when you’re uncomfortable, stressed, overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, drained, etc.

These signals are critical for knowing when you’re heading toward introvert hangover or introvert burnout.

They may be as specific as eye twitching, neck pain, or stomach aches. In my case, I know I’m pushing myself too far when my right shoulder begins to cramp. It can be that specific!

To reconnect with your body, try simple exercises like feeling the grass under your feet or the sunshine on your body.

You can also use breath work or EFT tapping to take inventory of what’s going on in your body.

Woman sits on the edge of a dock, her feet dangling over the water.
Introvert Burnout Insight: Movement is just one way to reconnect with your body. Making space for sensory experiences like feeling the sun or breeze on your skin can help you reconnect with your body.

Build new habits that serve you

Practice engaged rest daily

Of all the introvert recharge tips, this is the most powerful.

Engaged rest is restorative and energizing. It engages our mind, senses, and body so we are removed from work and work-related thoughts. When we engage in engaged rest, our brain and nervous system can decompress and our stress load decreases.

Engaged rest can look like dancing, reading a book, cooking or baking, walking in nature, or knitting. What all these activities have in common is that they engage the mind, senses, and body. They are also done alone because introverts need alone time.

Its opposite, disengaged rest, is not fully engaging and allows work-related thoughts to continue in the background. This piles onto our existing stress. That’s why binging Netflix can sometimes feel draining and leave us more tired.

Why do introverts need to recharge? When we make time for engaged rest on a daily basis, our energy is recharged. We also reduce our stress load and have the capacity to manage our mindsets, set and enforce boundaries, and self-soothe.

Building the habit of engaged rest can be challenging at first, especially if you’re not used to resting daily. That’s why starting with a tiny version of this habit can be so powerful.

Journal to process what you’re feeling

Journaling is an incredibly valid tool for processing emotions, releasing thoughts, and managing mindset. The best part about journaling is that no one has to read it – it can be yours and yours alone.

There are types of journaling that I’ve found incredibly helpful: responding to prompts or free-writing.

Responding to prompts helps you examine different areas of your life and introversion – even some you may not have thought about.

Free-writing is great for processing any emotions that are taking up space. It also helps uncover values, wants, and visions for your life because there is no self-editing.

Building the habit of daily journaling can be a powerful part of your routine, but it can seem daunting at first. That’s why starting with a tiny version of this habit can be so powerful.

Two journals set on a table, a pair of glasses on top.
Introvert Burnout Tip: Journaling is a low-cost, high-impact way to gain clarity. Use journaling to process your feelings, thoughts, doubts, fears. It can also help you become more mindful of positive feelings, like gratitude, joy, kindness, etc.

Build Your Toolbox

These are just some of the strategies, tactics, and tools that can be helpful for recovering from burnout.

The solutions list are a great place to start, but they are not the only ones.

You may also seek the help of a coach to help you redesign your daily experience, build new habits, support you, and hold you accountable.

If you are interested in learning how Introverts Can can support you, reach out to me (Jess).


5 Causes of Introvert Hangovers and Introvert Burnout

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